Photo Festival

Fiumefreddo Photo Festival is born: the first widespread Photography Festival in Calabria, conceived and promoted by the “Pensiero Paesaggio” Association, which from 29 July to 10 September, will transform the suggestive village of lower Cosentino Tyrrhenian Sea of Fiumefreddo Bruzio, into an open-sky exhibition frame, ready to host exhibitions, events, talks and workshops with the protagonists of Italian and international contemporary photography. An exciting experience to immerse yourself and discover the authenticity and the beauty of the Calabrian territory through a unique tourist and cultural journey. 

Fiumefreddo Photo Festival combines a strongly international vocation to a deep territorial roots with a look aimed at   investigating the image through the meeting and field research, with exhibitions, installations and projection designed to interact with urban and social fabric in a highly dynamic way: Fiumefreddo Photo Festival wants to be a look at the world that opens in the heart of southern Italy, Calabria.

“MIDWAY: between past and future” is the theme of this first edition, a concept that investigates a turbulence and at the same time a great opportunity to compose new and unreleased combinations in which converge past and future, tradition and innovation, global and local. Festival’s exhibition itinerary will take shape within the evocative streets of Fiumefreddo historic center, hosting the works of important names of contemporary photography, which will be announced in the coming weeks.

The call dedicated to emerging photographers was also launched, who can present their works to compete for Festival’s official selection, all the details on the website:

Fiumefreddo Photo Festival will seek a new visual-spatial representation in which the archaic and the hyper-future coexist and merge and will try to harmonize, with the right  level of coherence and uncertainty, the projects of the authors scheduled, all based on the middle way in which we are and from which unfold various investigation’s lines capable to describe the time that belongs to us but also to raise perplexity and to trigger doubts.

The Fiumefreddo Photo Festival’ design and organizational direction of is curated by Anna Francesca Catalano, founder of “Pensiero Paesaggio” Association, photographer and communication expert. The artistic and curatorial direction is entrusted to Teodora Malavenda, WE World Energy’s photo editor and independent curator.

The Festival is sponsored by Fiumefreddo Bruzio’s Municipality.

Authors exposed
Different locations
Square km of town

The town